2022-02-22 The Painting and Wallcovering Co Voorhes, NJ Tips in Preparing to Paint Your Ceiling

5 Tips in Preparing to Paint Your Ceiling in Voorhees, NJ

5 Tips in Preparing to Paint Your Ceiling in Voorhees, NJ

One of the things we overlook the most in the upkeep of our house is our ceiling, the plain, old, boring, mundane ceiling that is always just there, at the top.

But just like the rest of our home interior, our ceiling also needs to be treated and rejuvenated with a fresh coat of paint every now and then.

You’d be shocked as to how your “plain, old, boring, mundane” ceiling could transform into something you could not take your eyes off with a simple, fresh coat of paint.

But, painting your ceiling can be a rather daunting task to do, and it could easily turn into a disaster with bad ceiling preparation prior to painting.

So, if you’re currently planning to paint your ceiling and looking for the right, handy tips in preparing to paint, you’ve come to the right place.

Here are 5 Tips in Preparing to Paint Your Ceiling in Voorhees, NJ.

1. Clean Your Ceiling First

Our ceilings are rather hard to clean every day; some people do it once a week, or a month, some even don’t really do it!

So, when you’re planning to paint your ceiling, you might want to treat it to a rigorous and deep clean first.

Our ceiling will definitely have some deep-seated dirt and dust somewhere in there, so make sure to scrub and brush them off first before you apply any coat of paint on your ceiling surface.

Additionally, you will want to do this by using a ladder so you can actually reach your ceiling, so keep in mind to be safe while doing this.

2. Sand The Surface

Over time, bumps and cruds and different stubborn dust and dirt can get stuck on your ceiling, so prior to painting it, you might want to sand the surface to ensure an even and clean surface to paint on.

If you have an untextured ceiling, this is a rather important process in preparing to paint your ceiling, and the best and easiest way to do this is with a sanding pole.

Just make sure that you clean any excess dust off your ceiling when you’re done, and you’re off to a good start in ceiling preparation!

3. Consider Using A Stain Blocking Primer

Your ceiling will inevitably fall victim to tons of different leakages – roof leaks, overflowing sinks, dirty rainwater finding its way to leak into your ceiling – and these will sadly leave ugly stains on your ceiling that will be hard to cover up with regular paint.

So, to avoid this happening, you will want to look into buying stain-blocking primers to ensure that these stains are covered up nicely, and any leaks in the future can be prevented by this specially formulated primer.

4. Buy Ceiling Paint

You might think that just like any other surface or room in your house, you can just buy regular paint to apply to your ceiling, but this is not the case at all.

There is a kind of paint specially formulated for ceiling painting, one that doesn’t spatter, dries slowly, and has a flat finish rather than a glossy one.

Buying paint specially formulated for your ceiling is an essential tip to ensure that your ceiling painting project will actually be a success and not something you’d have to redo later on because it has harbored disastrous results – which only doubles your expense the long run.

5. Don’t Be Afraid to Experiment With Colors

Lastly, just because you are used to seeing a white ceiling doesn’t mean that it is the default color; don’t be afraid to experiment with other colors in painting your ceiling!

Depending on what you essentially want, you are in full creative control on how you will paint your ceiling – whether it will be a bright and merry yellow, or a dreamy lavender, or even a cool and sleek black, it is entirely up to you, so keep that in mind.

To help you decide which color you’d want to paint your ceiling, you can look for design inspirations online.

If you’re looking for a trusted and reliable residential painter in Moorestown, Mt Laurel, Cherry Hill, Haddonfield, Voorhees, Evesham, Medford, Tabernacle, Shamong, and the surrounding areas, we can help.

Call us on 609.953.0944 for a FREE, no-obligation estimate.

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